jenne - 2004-07-14 09:39:09
how'd you enjoy your visit here in ny?
kristin - 2004-07-14 09:49:43
Other McDonald's slogan: "For the most part, our food sucks, and you know it. So thanks a helluva lot for buying it anyway! Please pay at the second window."
mousemilk - 2004-07-14 19:47:31
Too short, jenne.

No, I mean I was too short to enjoy it. No, I don't. I mean 4 days = scratch surface. And y'all have too many dogs.
chadly - 2004-07-15 10:02:25
Is "MacDonald's" different from "McDonald's"? Is this some inside joke? I'm so confused. But I still enjoyed the entry. And it made me hungry. Mmm.. greasy neck.
Samantha - 2004-07-15 11:25:50
Hey, you're pretty funny. Didn't you come to the states to meet a chickie?
mousemilk - 2004-07-15 18:43:48
chadly: It's a subtle reference to Old MacDonald and thus a barbed sideswipe at the fast food industry's adoption of destructive modern farmig techn- ok, it was a mistake.

Samantha: thanks, and not really, though there was a chickiemeeting element to my visit.
saru-san - 2004-08-06 11:35:06
There's some eye in our burger... I nearly split a side laughing at this list! And I'm suing. Expect my lawyers to show up with papers soon.

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