Katharina - 2004-10-05 06:23:34
To follow pattern, wouldn't it turn out that her technique really isn't that great? Or she'd make an excuse to not do it, like she's got a sore throat or something? ...Er.
kristin - 2004-10-05 13:24:35
Charlize "Just Enough So He'll Shut Up" Theron. What? You didn't know her middle name? Good thing there wasn't already a Charlize Theron working in Hollywood when she got started, or she'd have some trouble getting a date to the Golden Globes.
Charlize - 2004-10-06 11:07:15
You said you wouldn't tell anyone!
kittenbritches - 2004-10-06 15:06:06
So what's with the 'showered in gold' part? Hmmm??

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