Katharina - 2004-10-07 19:44:41
Yes, well, at least you don't have to live in America. Americans overreact about everything, really. Here's an example: The local high school is composed mostly of dirty redneck assholes with ugly red pickup trucks. Said redneck assholes are also quite racist, and prone to being loud and obnoxious about it. At one point a whole bunch of them began wearing all white shirts, which the school administration took to be a racist comment of sorts. It was at this point that a new school rule was made that no white person is allowed to wear all white t-shirts. It was great.
albannach - 2004-10-08 10:04:42
I love being in America. I love being in London. Here's to centuries more dismissive piss-taking, with senses of humor to laugh with it. ;)
mousemilk - 2004-10-08 16:48:59
I think you'll find that's 'humour'.
drayco - 2004-10-17 12:09:59
Exactly! They're always oblivious. They should not be trusted with cash or any kind of technology...I say we round them all up with a big lasso and huddle them off to some remote island. They'll be happy there.
Saru-San - 2004-10-21 22:56:27
We were planning a luncheon at work last year, and without having calendars in front of us we determined that the Thursday of the week following our planning meeting would be perfect. (Because, you know, having an extended lunch and social bullshitting session on a Thursday is like having two Fridays in a week. And, bonus? Leftover food can be eaten on Friday.)

And then somebody took out a calendar and said, "Oh. Do you know what day that is? That's nine-eleven." A hush fell over the room as everybody reverently murmured that it was terrible, we couldn't have it on that day, how terrible, blah blah blah.

I pointed out that there was going to be an 11 September in every year, so we should get used to doing things on that day, but I was shot down. (Ha ha. That's kind of funny.)

Personally, I think that the atrocities that have been carried out in the name of 9-11 are far worse (okay, fine, "just as bad") as the buildings falling.
Saru-San - 2004-10-21 22:58:21
And while I'm on the subject, you have to realize that not all Americans totally suck. The problem is that we live in a representative republic, so the loud mouths... who are usually also idiots... get to be the Voice of America. There are really some decent American people.

I think you'd like both of us.
DrBigBeef - 2005-01-18 13:16:46
Regarding Americans writing the dates "backwards" while I realize we do it differently from everyone else, I submit that our way is better. Consider the following: Today is January the 18th, 2005. You have an important meeting/bill due/appointment with a transexual prostitute and you've forgotten when it is. You look at your meeting book/phone bill/appointment reminder card from your boss/the phone company/Big Bertha and it says 2/17/05. You quickly realize by looking at the first number that you have until next month to appease your boss/pay the monopolistic phone fuckers/turn gay. If you write it as 17/2/05, you have to read until the second number to realize that you haven't missed your big day. Behave, DBB

Say the thing that you are thinking:

Name of a gay
Address of a gay
www of a gay

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