kristin - 2004-12-10 12:56:30
FYI: ahahahaha.
Comma-Abuse - 2004-12-10 15:27:55
Heartless but hilarious. Somewhat like listening to and enjoying North Korean music. This song is called "May Comrade Supreme Commander Enjoy Good Health!" Genius. Which, I think, is here:
mousemilk - 2004-12-10 17:49:07
C-A, that track is as gay as pink. I lasted 1'3".
Comma-Abuse - 2004-12-11 02:26:50
HAH! I maintain the communist lyrics heavily enhance how hardcore it is. Or something like that anyway.
patti - 2004-12-17 13:52:17
regarding loonies: the reason they don't really hang out much is that they all exist in their own little worlds, and these worlds don't seem to meld well. like bubbles. regarding the arcade fire and your comment: you just have to listen. you may love them or hate them, but if you fall in the former category, you'll love them so much that you'll thank me like crazy.

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