JuddHole - 2005-01-14 13:19:04
You seem to know a surprising amount about laundry, should your profile say something about delivering stillborn rhino calves?
Which I've done by the way.

P.S. That entry was FUCKING AWESOME.
Comma-Abuse - 2005-01-14 16:32:14
I'm still continuing the conversation in the last entry's comments, and that's sad. Oh, and that made me laugh. Again. Also, you know what really fucking stinks? Leather sofas. Your house will smell like cow for weeks. That is why I avoid animal furniture/clothing/so on. That and because I'm a damn hippie that doesn't eat meat. Well, sort of anyway.
Comma-Abuse - 2005-01-14 16:34:08
And geese do stink a teensy bit, if I recall. My best friend when I was still in Germany (think happy, think happy, pretend you aren't in America) had geese. And sheep. Sheep are adorable, and will also sometimes eat your clothes. She also had a wild boar thing that they snuggled, loved, trained, slaughtered, spread all over their driveway, and then ate. Its organs had little special buckets. Maybe that's why I'm a vegetarian now.
Saltation - 2005-01-15 09:08:06
Orcs? That's a bit unfortunate. Mine's a sex maniac.
Saltation - 2005-01-15 09:09:37
p.s., where's your RSS feed?
mousemilk - 2005-01-15 11:09:03
I don't even know what one of those is.
twobaddogs - 2005-01-16 10:30:30
C-A is almost right with the "geese do stink a teensy bit" angle, except that you have to change "teensy bit" to "like skunk roadkill in Texas in August." Or summink like that. Geese do not smell good. Unless you're roasting them, I guess. They are not particularly clean and they poop green smelly slime, which I'm guessing is hard to wash out of the dead feathers. I think an RSS feed has something to do with your own personal "radio" station online.
Anisettekiss - 2005-01-17 10:23:57
I am truly in awe of the way you can consistently make me laugh. I mean, that was like the longest description dedicated to a smell I've ever even heard of...
Saltation - 2005-01-17 16:41:10
it lets people add you to a centralised web-watching thing like this: a Good Thing.
mousemilk - 2005-01-18 10:07:44
Oh, OK, cool. Well, I don't know how to do that.
Saltation - 2005-01-18 14:00:47
here's a good backgrounder, and note the section "how do i publish my own rss feed?" basically, most big blog-services do it automatically for you. eg blogger or upsaid. or if you use a special blog-posting program like Movable Type or WordPress, it will do it automatically for you too. alternatively, you can create it yourself "manually" -- see the "BlogFeed" link on this page: Adam Kalsey's Free Tools

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