Katie - 2005-05-24 14:24:38
Allow me a moment to clean up the mess I made while tittering. Damn you, scalding coffee! Damn you for getting in the way of my giggles!
Lola-wan Titskobi - 2005-05-24 16:37:26
Duh. Everybody knows you've got to use lighter fluid and FIRE to get a decent light saber. Petrol! Such amateurs!
Kathy - 2005-05-25 08:28:46
OK you've convinced me. I'll read your journal! I'll read your journal! I'll even add you to my favorites list. Thanks for not running any crappy banners... and for not having any pictures of Gollum in your template. Loved the "quite nice mugs" entry.
DanjerusKurves - 2005-05-25 11:56:34
These constant SW references are kind of biased to those of us who are totally not SW fans. *pout*

Say the thing that you are thinking:

Name of a gay
Address of a gay
www of a gay

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