xquzme - 2005-07-07 09:10:52
Glad to hear you are okay, Mouse. Have to admit I like your talking heads better than our hysterical Tragedy Team 20 -- heard a snippet this morning of a calm, collected british reporter who reported on things sans the hype. I'm sorry this happened... but again, glad you are safe. Know exactly what you mean about wanting to be a healthy witness.
albannach - 2005-07-07 09:19:38
I, too am glad you're okay. Look on the bright side: if you watch the news enough, you'll be able to memorize what the eyewitnesses say to the point where you could act convincingly- draw your inspiration from everyone who was abducted by aliens and has the same story! Ugh. I'm so angry this has happened. What a fucking world this is.
Anisettekiss - 2005-07-07 09:53:25
It took a lot of balls to admit you wanted to be closer to the tragedy. Speaking of "them", I'm glad to hear the rocks are safely in tact. XXX
disco - 2005-07-07 11:10:50
I'm glad you're okay. I actually thought of you when I heard.
Lola - 2005-07-07 11:48:34
Meanwhile, my mother's elderly friend is not answering her phone. I assume she's taken refuge in a closet with her Corgis. My mother is <> {this} close to boarding a plane, because you know how those old biddies like to freak out. Gives 'em something to do.
disco - 2005-07-07 12:30:58
I'm glad you're okay. I actually thought of you when I heard.
DanjerusKurves - 2005-07-07 12:37:03
Very relieved to know you are ok... and very much appreciate the "inside" info regarding the situation. Even if you weren't right on top of it, so to speak. Since my family doesn't talk to me any more, you are now one of my adopted strays.
DanjerusKurves - 2005-07-07 14:22:20
Upon further thought ... I think it was really the French who caused those explosions. Revenge for us getting the Olympics. And for kicking their arses throughout history.
onewetleg - 2005-07-08 01:21:11
yeah, i thought of you too, when i heard about the bombs. you and zappafloozie. i know i must have other friends in london but you two came to mind. personally, i never want to be in the middle of crap like that. i like my explosions a little smaller.
Scarlet Ibis - 2005-07-08 01:36:58
I was worried about you. I got misty thinking of you blown to bits and came here to check on you. I'm glad you're ok. Back to OD with me then. :)

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