saru-san - 2005-07-12 00:38:23
Damn it! I downloaded the midi, but it's in the form of some sort of NWC file, which I cannot figure out how to play. (Near as I can tell, that's a Noteworthy Composer file, which... huh-whaaa?) AND I cannot read music, either. You goddamned tease!
mousemilk - 2005-07-12 01:25:35
Yeah, I just downloaded the first free composing software I could find and that was it. Sorry if I've picked some obscure inaccessible bobbins.
Jenny - 2005-07-12 08:45:33
Yes, it is some obscure inaccessible bobbins. Bah. Once I dreamed I was in an Oliver Twist workhouse/public school type situation and something INCREDIBLY FUNNY happened with a tray of shepherd's pie and I was giggling so hard about it that I actually thought to myself, gee I have to remember this joke when I wake up, this is so funny. And I did remember the joke when I woke up and it wasn't funny at all.
xquzme, and I'm NOT a boy - 2005-07-12 09:24:22
I can't hear it either, and my ability to read music is akin to that of a sea slug's, so all written music comes out sounding like "Oh Christmas Tree" to me. I'll work on it. Personally, I think you're on to something. NO other songs have "follicle" in it that I know of, and if anyone could make it sound good it would be Bono. Or you, Mouse. Or you. (Please re-record song in something we can hear!!!) xoxoxo
Lauren - 2005-07-12 09:53:32
And what rhymes with follicle? Bollockle? Cowlickle?
Lola - 2005-07-12 10:11:42
Do you want an ABAB rhyme scheme or a ABBA one? And I have three words for you people: online rhyming dictionary. This is where you will learn that follicle rhymes with diabolical.
Lola - 2005-07-12 10:13:00
The online rhyming dictionary also helpfully points out that "sky" rhymes with "Boston cream pie". This shit writes itself, I tell you.
albannach - 2005-07-12 10:21:42
"We will piss in the follicle." Five times. In one entry. Err.. What were you eating just before you went to bed?
DanjerusKurves (all girl) - 2005-07-12 16:49:14
If you only rhyme with the second syllable of follicle, you can use "fickle" or "tickle" or whatever the hell. Just doing my part for the creative process.
Anisettekiss - 2005-07-12 17:37:53
What a great entry! Although my vision went blurry and I started panting after reading, "...I'm writing a blog in my underpants." But I'm sure the rest was just as exciting.
dooki - 2005-07-13 01:09:51
"and a child passes a gas or a molicule...and what is worse? A sky full of fears...or a city full of anger, and a white horses tears? ONE LOVE to discover...ONE HEART to deny...TWO BRAINS to the NIGHT we'll set them free...challenge all your people in the...GREAT SKY ABOVE...ONE LOVE" There. Is that gay and Bono enough for you? And I'm too lazy to open up my can make up the chords. No mixilidian scales please...
doug - 2005-07-20 02:17:55
You are a goddamned genius, sir. Even when you're sleeping.

Say the thing that you are thinking:

Name of a gay
Address of a gay
www of a gay

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