Ms. Brazil - 2006-10-07 01:29:06
What kind of dumbass banner is that about the nazis?
RandomSingingHole - 2006-10-07 10:03:40
Man, you're fucking awesome sometimes, you know that?
mousemilk - 2006-10-09 10:23:44
Well, Ms Brazil, it's a section of the form non-US citizens are obliged to fill in on their way into the country. The banner is a satirical nod to the beaurocratic stupidity of asking people if they've ever been involved in genocide as a means, presumably, of repelling terrorists. The comedic nub of this is of course the idea that anyone would actually tick 'yes'. Happy to help!
Anisettekiss - 2006-10-10 10:44:22
I'm not admitting how much I relate to this entry. Nope.
Cardigan - 2006-10-23 16:24:05
Okay!!! I thought I'd give you my "forwarding address" xoxo Anis-ette(please-google-don't-find-me)Kiss

Say the thing that you are thinking:

Name of a gay
Address of a gay
www of a gay

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