kristin - 2004-09-23 11:06:56
Oh man. I have had so many spider encounters recently it's crazy. They're such sneaky little fuckers.
kittenbritches - 2004-09-23 13:15:42
Does this drive your furry roommate crazy having all of these prey items? I have 3 and they turn flies into 'walks' like a SWAT team. Have you ever been bitten?
saru-san - 2004-09-23 18:01:07
Damn! I wish I had known I could get flies and whores for a mere pound when I was visiting England a few weeks back! I waited until I was in France to get my flies, and then I couldn't afford any more whores. Damned euro didn't go very far in Paris. Oh, well. Next time.
GoingLoopy - 2004-09-30 13:16:19
I have those little dotty things too. Actually, my ceiling looks like that, except they're frozen, because I sprayed some Raid Flying Insect Killer on their asses, and I think it functions as bug superglue. I really, really, really hope I don't have one of those predator things though. My cat would eat it, and then she would throw it up on my pillow.
Katie - 2005-01-06 21:13:51
That happened to my room when we redid the windows. Only I had the misfurtune of having all sorts of baby spiders crawling around the corner of my bed. I vacuumed and I threw that bitch out.

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