BoringHole - 2005-03-15 19:14:05
Dude, I won't lie, I listened to about 45 seconds and thought, "MM's fulla shit, he's got assloads of personality."
Then, I heard the voice say, "here's our guest, Droning McMonotone."
I always dig on the accents, and look forward to using all the personal info to set a bag of rabid stalkers loose on you, but damn, you had me snoozin'.
Yer still the second coolest limey I ever knew though.
pollymagoo - 2005-03-15 20:24:09
God, you sound totally hott, do you want to come over here and...actually, I haven't listened at all and it's bed time now so I won't, but I promise to listen tomorrow and say mean things.
mousemilk - 2005-03-16 03:47:23
As Mr. Hole points out, the first voice you hear on the show is that of the interesting host. You have to stick with it to hear my tedious blah blah blah. But I did bring in some great records.
Heeland Lass - 2005-03-16 05:35:29
What are you talking about? You've got the perfect voice for Pebble Mill at 1!
Jennyj - 2005-03-16 08:15:51
You're better than the man in the background. I was thinking, Rare FM, Rare FM, where have I heard that before? How easily memories fade. I think this is the second time I've signed your book and the second time I've mentioned my university to you. Don't think I'm obsessed by it like a relationship you just can't let die. Honest.
Katie - 2005-03-16 08:38:28
HELLO TO YOU, BEN STEIN WITH AN ACCENT. Yes, that is what you sound like: silly Ben Stein with an accent. It's awesome, but that could be because I really like Ben Stein, and I am really sleepy now. Did you know that I love sleep? And it was amusing in the way it was really dry. I like dry humor; dry humor is awesome. I am really sleepy. I'm going to call you Benny now. GOOD BYE TO YOU, BENNY.

Say the thing that you are thinking:

Name of a gay
Address of a gay
www of a gay

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