kittenbritches - 2005-03-30 14:05:26
MM, the piccie is too dark to see the other guy (assuming that there really IS somebody there)....BTW FIRST!
Andria - 2005-03-30 14:05:26
I was drinking with friends at a bar in Hollywood about eight or nine years ago, and my one friend pointed out Dave Gahan across the room. I have been pretty much obsessed with their music since I was about twelve. I walked up to him, and was ready to say something really cool about how much I love Depeche Mode, and what came out was total gibberish. Alcohol+superfan=Andria making an ass out of herself. And, I saw Sonic Youth play at a tiny club once, and it was AMAZING.
And I think that the devil knows it too - 2005-03-30 14:55:07
Ooh, what fun. I don't know why I never bought more after my cassette of Bandwagonesque was chewed. You didn't say if he agreed to dj though, did he did he did he?
LolaNYC - 2005-03-30 15:49:59
I feel this way about Rip Taylor.
Arlette - 2005-04-01 00:29:19
Mmm. Teenage Fanclub.

Say the thing that you are thinking:

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www of a gay

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