saru-san - 2005-06-13 13:59:25
But raisins are good for you! It's even in the Bible... at least, I seem to recall reading something about Jesus raisin the dead...
Anisettekiss - 2005-06-13 14:07:27
I'm eating raisins instead of brushing from now on just to spite you. xxx
Jenny - 2005-06-13 17:05:18
Well pah raisins are fruity sugar in a bendy wrinkly jacket - since when has that been good for oral health?
Lala - 2005-06-13 18:37:40
I was so excited when I read that at the start of the entry about raisins helping you maintain dental health, because I grew up on a farm that grew the grapes that dried the fruit to make the raisins. And I thought "Wow! I must have dental credit due to being stuffed full of the freaking things as a child". And now, I'm just bitterly disappointed. And worried about dying soon. And also wondering if I should superglue my teeth in just in case.
albannach - 2005-06-14 12:53:37
Moist=The Best Word In The English Language. Full. Stop. You continue to rock!
DanjerusKurves - 2005-06-15 12:55:30
OMG I *love* Marmite!! problem is, the bloody yanks think it is some kind of "gourmet spread" and they charge a fortune for it at the supermarket. As for Italy? where's my damn gift?
Bingoguy - 2005-06-16 07:05:29
Hmm, An Apple A Day to Keep the Doctor Away. A Raisin a Day to Keep the Dentist Away. What a Day to keep the Proctologist Away?

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