pollymagoo - 2005-06-26 14:15:35
But are you a bona fide Geordie, like? My iTunes chose to follow that piece of vocal genius with 'Then He Kissed Me' by The Ronettes. Sublime to the ridiculous. Um, except the other way around.
pollymagoo again - 2005-06-26 14:16:22
Although you are of course not ridiculous, and clearly a very talented actor. Or someone with a funny Geordie voice.
mousemilk - 2005-06-26 14:29:13
I am native, although the accent is affected. If that makes sense. Anyway, where are my candid bruise/sunburn pics?
they call me Moo and I am a girl - 2005-06-26 14:36:02
Hello... a native AND a fellow actor!! huraaaah! nice to meet you consider yourself added! xxx
Lola - 2005-06-27 10:19:26
Mine followed you up with The Who's "Happy Jack". Thought you'd like that.
Lola - 2005-06-27 10:19:31
Mine followed you up with The Who's "Happy Jack". Thought you'd like that.
DanjerusKurves - 2005-06-27 12:42:53
You had me at the first kat photo!
mousemilk - 2005-06-27 13:28:23
By the way, how do you stop iTunes from doing that? Playing the next thing in its list, I mean? That annoys the poo out of me.
Well, duh - 2005-06-27 13:41:26
Hit stop, genius.
Anisettekiss - 2005-06-27 15:23:21
Did you just post CAT pictures?? Thought so...
albannach - 2005-06-29 11:26:55
Now wait a second, here... what's wank about rugby players?? And aren't soccer players (pardon; FOOTBALLERS) even bigger wankers? Have you SEEN David Beckham's huge girly diamond earrings?
Erica - 2005-07-04 12:42:07
I have to admit that I was a little freaked out when I saw that your comment next to my name in your profile is "DEAD TO ME." I wondered who you were and what I could possibly have done to make you hate me so. The I realized that it was the last bit in a part of a series. I was no longer quite so freaked out. Hello!

Say the thing that you are thinking:

Name of a gay
Address of a gay
www of a gay

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